Miss chain
Miss chains are a system placed in to prevent inactivity in CC's Survivor. They were introduced in the first season and have been used since. So far, five castaways have been medically evacuated due to miss chains.
Explanation[edit | edit source]
Miss chains have five marks on them. The first mark represents the first event the player has missed, and will always be present. Whenever a player has an unexcused absence at a challenge, or self-votes without being eliminated, they start their miss chain. A player with a miss chain has four more chances to make sure they do not become medically evacuated. If the player is present at the next challenge/is absent but gives a reason beforehand/votes for someone, then their miss chain's second mark will stay as a dash. If the player is unexcused at the challenge, or self-votes, the dash will turn into an X. This continues until the player has passed four events, or becomes medically evacuated.
If a player has three Xs on their miss chain, they will become medically evacuated and removed from the game. If a player would be on the jury, but gets medically evacuated due to a miss chain, then their position on the jury will still remain, and they will still be able to question the finalists and make a final vote.